Sai Deepa Safety Week

The objective of Safety Week is to generously allow a flow of events which enforce the importance of safety in our minds

At Sai Deepa, safety is very important. The week of 4th-10th March was a busy one. Multiple activities were planned by our employees. The objective of Safety Week is to generously allow a flow of events that enforce the importance of safety in our minds. It begins with wearing the batch of Safety Week and does not have any limit on the creativity of the employees towards sending the message loud and clear.

In this article, we present some pictures of the fire drill that was conducted at the factory during the safety week. By definition, a fire drill or a mock drill is a procedure of practicing an evacuation of the factory, in the event of a fire or any other emergencies. The factory has identified a clear area in front of its administration building, to be the assembly point. The signboards of entry and nearest fire exit are also fixed in all enclosures.

There are two particular measurements of each drill. First, we measure the total time taken for the employees to reach the point of assembly. The evacuation is timed to ensure that it is fast enough, and problems with the emergency system or evacuation procedures are identified to be remedied.

Second, we check the number of employees who are present in the assembly.  The headcount of the employees who are present inside the factory and visitors who have been entered into the system is already in the records. A headcount check is done to see if there is 100% presence in the assembly. This is very important because in the actual event there could be a few who may be unconscious or not able to make it.

The checking of the fire alarm systems is done regularly. This is done to ensure that the system is working. Fire alarm tests are often done outside normal business hours to minimize disruption in work.

Sai Deepa strongly promotes safety and safe working in all its factories, offices & work sites. We are never happy with good because good is the enemy of great !!!