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2. Copyright © 2018 by SAI DEEPA ROCK DRILLS PVT. LTD. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Sai Deepa Rock Drills Pvt. Ltd . For permission requests, write to Saideepa Rock Drills Pvt Ltd. Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address mentioned on the back page.


8. 5 6 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Button Shapes

10. 7 8 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Threaded Bits

16. 13 14 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Taper Bits & Rods

18. 15 16 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Shank Adapters

24. 21 22 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Coupling Sleeves

26. 23 24 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Extension & Drifter Rods




3. TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TABLE OF CONTENT I ntroduction 2 Bit Face Design 3 Retrac Models 4 Button Shapes 5 Threaded Bits 7 Taper Bits and Rods 13 Shank Adapters 15 Coupling Sleeves 21 Extension and Drifter Rods 23 Specification Charts 28

9. 5 6 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Spherical Ballistic Parabolic Spike This button is the most common shape used in threaded button bits. This shape is the strongest and most resistant to breakage. Spherical shape provides excellent penetration in medium rock, hard rock broken formations and in all types of drilling conditions. Normally this button is used in soft drilling formations. This type of button tip protrudes out more so it is very aggressive and yields high penetration rates. Ballistic is prone to breakage if used in wrong formations. Normally this button is used in medium soft to medium hard rock drilling formations. This type of button gives higher penetration than spherical and breakage resistant than ballistic. Normally this button is used in soft and medium hard rock drilling formations. BUTTON SHAPES

7. 3 4 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE RETRAC MODELS Retrac Bits are suitable for powerful percussive drilling and the products are widely used in Drifting, Tunneling, UG production drilling, and bench drilling applications. Our products have been recognized as high-quality and cost-effective rock drilling tools globally. STANDARD RETRAC STRAIGHT SPLINE WITH DEEP NECK RETRAC FLATBODY RETRAC STANDARD RETRAC WITH NECK RELIEF FLAT BODY RETRAC WITH NECK RELIEF

36. NOTES Plot no 106 & 107, Phase II IDA Cherlapally, Hyderabad – 500051 Telangana, India. V3.0 2023 Ph : +91-40-27260217 +91-40-27260438 Fax : +91-40-27261231 Email: Web: SAI DEEPA ROCK DRILLS PVT. LTD. © SAI DEEPA TOP HAMMER PRODUCT CATALOGUE ISO 9001: 2015 | 14001:2015 | 45001:2018 | 27001:2013

6. 3 4 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Concave Convex Flat Flat Face with Face Millings Drop Centre This type of face design will be used in medium hard and fissured rock formations and it controls hole deviation. This type of face design will be used in medium hard and fissured rock formations and it gives faster penetration rates. This type of face design is very aggressive in drilling application and is suited best for very hard rock formations and it gives good penetration rates. This type of face design is best suited for very hard and medium type rock formations. The flat face bit drills straight holes while maintaining good penetration rates. This type of face design is best suited for less hard and medium type rock formations. The drop centre bit drills straight holes while maintaining good penetration rates. BIT FACE DESIGN

5. 1 2 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Sai Deepa is committed to continually develop, manufacture and distribute the best quality most economical rock drilling tools for mining, construction, water well and oil & gas segments, and provide the best possible value for its main stakeholders-customers, shareholders and employees. These tools are designed to transmit optimum impact energy into the rock with the least possible loss of energy, and are made to handle the toughest jobs around the globe. We plan to achieve market leadership through set of priniciples that guide decisions and behaviour throughout the company. Each project needs to achieve the best possible operating costs and outcome for business. Complex rock formations and difficult terrain can be a real challenge for any driller. With a range of soultions and high quality durable top hammer drilling tool, Saideepa partners with you to succeed in reaching optimal project outcomes. Top hammer rock drilling tools have been specially designed for hard to very hard and abrasive rock formations covering all construction, quarrying, mining drilling and blast applications. Tunneling is one of the most important customer segments and applications such as drifting and roof bolt hole drilling are well catered. Our bits have shown increase in penetration rate and also a sustantially longer service life upto 20% Saideepa has established and applied Quality management system ISO 9001:2015, Environment management system ISO 14001:2015, Occupational health and Safety management system ISO 45001:2018 and Information security management system ISO 27001:2013 for design, manufacturing and supplying of DTH hammers and button bits. Our Integrated management system are inspected by DNV.GL from Norway and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) from UK awarded us above all certificates. • Safety • Customer Success • Team Play • Environmental Protection • Information Security ABOUT SAIDEEPA STANDARDS CORE VALUES INTRODUCTION

14. 11 12 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE THREADED BITS BIT diameter Pilot Dia Buttons Qty x Size, mm Flushing Holes Product No Dome Reaming Bit M M Inch MM Gauge Face 102 4” 57 8x12 4x12 4 77-B571024S 127 5” 64 8x14 4x14 4 77-B641278S 152 6” 64 8x14 8X14 4 77-B641528S BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Regular M M Inch Gauge Face Face Side 89 3 1/2” 6x13 5x12 35° 3 46-C65E089KS 89 3 1/2” 8x12 6x12 35° 2 46-C8630894P/G 89 3 1/2” 8x12 6x12 35° 4 46-C86I0894S 89 3 1/2” 9x11 6x12 35° 3 46-C962089RS/G 102 4” 8x14 6x13 35° 2 46-C8631027P/G 102 4” 6x19 4x14 35° 2 46-C625102PS 102 4” 8x14 6x13 35° 4 46-C86E1027S 115 4 1/2” 10x14 7x14 30° 3 46-C0711158S/G 115 4 1/2” 8x14 7x13 35° 2 46-C8711157S/G 115 4 1/2” 8x16 6x14 35° 4 46-C86E115QS 115 4 1/2” 7x19 5x14 35° 2 46-C751115PS/G 127 5” 8x16 6x14 35° 4 46-C86E127QS 127 5” 8x16 7x14 35° 2 46-CK87127QS/G 127 5” 8x16 6x16 35° 2 46-C863127DP/G 140 5 1/2” 8x16 8x14 35° 2 46-C881140QS/G 152 6” 8x16 4x16,4x14 35° 4 46-C86J152QS T51 ( 2” ) Thread Bits BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 89 3 1/2” 6x11 6x10 35° 3 1 M6-C962089RB/G 89 3 1/2” 6x13 5x12 35° 3 1 56-C65E089KS 89 3 1/2” 8x13 6x12 35° 2 1 M6-C862089KS/G 89 3 1/2” 8x14 6x12 35° 2 0 56-C8610896S 89 3 1/2” 8x12 4x12,2x11 35° 4 0 56-C86G0893P 89 3 1/2” 9x13 6x11 35° 3 1 M6-C9620895S/G 92 3 5/8” 8x13 6x12 35° 2 0 56-C861092KP 95 3 3/4” 9x13 6x12 35° 3 0 M6-C961095KS/G 102 4” 8x14 4x13 35° 4 0 56-C86G102NS 102 4” 8x14 6x13 35° 2 2 M6-C8631027B/G 102 4” 8x12 7x11 35° 4 0 56-C87G1023P 102 4” 9x13 6x13 35° 3 1 H6-C962102JP/G 105 4 1/6” 8x12 6x11 35° 4 1 M6-C86F1053P 107 4 1/6” 8x12 6x11 35° 4 1 M6-C86F1073P 115 4 1/2” 8x14 4x14,2x12 35° 4 0 56-C87G1156S 115 4 1/2” 8x14 8x12 35° 2 0 56-C8811156S/G 115 4 1/2” 8x16 6x14 35° 4 0 56-C86E115QS 127 5” 8x16 6x16 35° 2 2 M6-C863127DP/G 127 5” 8x14 7x14 35° 4 0 56-C87D1278P 140 5 1/2” 8x14 7x14 35° 4 0 M6-C87E1408P 146 5 3/4” 8x14 8x14 35° 4 0 M6-C88F1468P 146 5 3/4” 9x16 9x14 35° 3 0 56-C99F146QP 152 6” 8x14 8x14 35° 4 0 M6-C88E1528P Button Bit - Retrac T51 ( 2” ) Thread Bits T45 Thread Bits 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

13. 9 10 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE THREADED BITS T38 (1 1/2” ) Thread Bits BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 70 2 3/4” 7x12 4x10 35° 3 0 46-B7530702S/G 76 3” 7x11 5x10 35° 3 0 46-B754076RP 76 3” 8x12 5x11 35° 2 2 46-B8510763D/G 85 3 11/32” 8x12 6x11 35° 2 2 46-B8630853S/G 89 3 1/2” 6x13 5x12 35° 3 0 46-B65D089KB 89 3 1/2” 8x12 6x12 35° 2 2 46-B8630894B/G 89 3 1/2” 9x12 6x11 35° 3 0 46-B9610893S/G 102 4” 8x14 6x13 35° 4 0 46-B86E1027S 102 4” 9x14 7x12 35° 3 0 46-B9711026S/G 105 4 1/6” 8x14 6x13 35° 2 2 46-B8631057S/G 115 4 1/2” 8x14 8x12 35° 2 0 46-B8811156S 115 4 1/2” 9x14 9x12 35° 3 0 46-B9911156S/G T45 (1 3/4” ) Thread Bits Button Bit - Regular BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 76 3” 8x11 4x11 35° 2 0 56-B8410761S 89 3 1/2” 8x14 6x12 35° 2 0 56-B8610896S 89 3 1/2” 8x12 4x12,2x11 35° 4 0 56-B86G0893P 95 3 3/4” 8x13 6x12 35° 4 1 56-B86F095KP 102 4” 8x12 7x12 35° 2 0 56-B8711024S/G 102 4” 8x14 4x13,2x12 35° 4 0 56-B86G1024S 105 4 1/6” 8x12 6x11 35° 4 1 M6-B86F1053P 107 4 1/6” 8x12 6x11 35° 4 1 M6-B86F1073P 110 4 1/3” 8x12 7x12 35° 4 1 M6-B87E1104P 115 4 1/2” 8x14 6x12 35° 4 0 56-B86E1156P 127 5” 8x14 7x13 35° 4 0 M6-B87E1277P 140 5 1/2” 8x14 7x14 35° 4 0 M6-B87E1408P 140 5 1/2” 9x16 9x14 35° 3 0 56-B99F140QP 146 5 3/4” 8x14 8x14 35° 4 0 M6-B88F1468P 146 5 3/4” 9x14 9x14 35° 3 0 56-B99F1468P 152 6” 9x16 6x14,4x13 35° 3 0 56-B90F152GP 152 6” 8x14 8x14 35° 4 0 M6-B88E1528P Button Bit - Retrac BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Regular M M Inch Gauge Face Face Side 64 2 1/2” 6x12 3x11 30° 3 0 46-A6270643S/M 68 2 2/3” 8x10 4x10 30° 2 2 46-A843068US 70 2 3/4” 7x12 4x10 35° 3 0 46-A7530702S/G 76 3” 8x12 5x11 35° 2 2 46-A8510763S/G 76 3” 7x12 4x11 35° 3 0 46-A7530763P/G 89 3 1/2” 8x12 6x12 35° 2 2 46-A8630894B/G 102 4” 8x14 5x14 35° 2 0 46-A8521028S 127 5” 8x16 7x14 35° 2 0 46-A871127QS/G BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Retrac MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 64 2 1/2” 6x11 4x10 35° 3 0 56-A629064RP/G 76 3” 6x12 4x11 35° 3 0 56-A64E0763P 76 3” 7x12 4x11 35° 3 0 M6-A7530763S/G 76 3” 8x12 4x11 35° 2 1 M6-A8420763S 89 3 1/2” 9x12 6x12 35° 3 0 M6-A9610894S/G 95 3 3/4” 8x11 6x11 35° 4 1 M6-A86F0951P 105 4 1/6” 8x12 6x11 35° 4 1 M6-A86F1053P

25. 21 22 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE COUPLING SLEEVES REDUCTION COUPLING SLEEVE BIT ADAPTERS Thread Type Dia Length Product No F1 F2 R32 R25 44 150 781-42R-44-150-F R32 R28 44 165 781-43R-44-165-F R38 R32 55 170 781-54R-55-170-F T38 R32 55 195 781-A41-55-195-F T38 R38 55 185 781-A51-55-185-F T45 T38 58 180 781-BAT-58-180-F T45 T38 61 180 781-BAT-61-180-F T51 T45 71 218 781-CBT-71-218-F Thread Type Dia Length Product No F M R25 R32 45 173 781-24R-45-173-4 R28 R32 40 230 781-34R-40-230-4 R32 R38 45 225 781-45R-45-225-4 R32 T38 45 225 781-4A1-45-225-4 T35 T38 48 250 781-HAT-48-250-4 R38 R32 55 270 781-54R-55-270-4 T38 R32 57 270 781-A41-57-270-4 T38 T45 57 285 781-ABT-57-285-4 T45 T38 63 265 781-BAT-63-265-4 T45 T51 63 285 781-BCT-63-285-4 T51 T45 71 285 781-CBT-71-285-4 STANDARD COUPLING SLEEVE Thread Type Dia Length Product No R22 31 140 781-1R-31-140-F R25 35 160 781-2R-35-160-F R32 44 150 781-4R-44-150-F R38 55 170 781-5R-55-170-F T38 55 170 781-AT-55-170-F T38 55 190 781-AT-55-190-F T45 63 210 781-BT-63-210-F T51 77 235 781-CT-77-235-F T51 71 235 781-CT-71-235-F COUPLING SLEEVE TYPE STANDARD COUPLING SLEEVE This coupling sleeve is very common in the industry standard. It connects two female threads like R32 – R32, T38-T38 etc. REDUCTION COUPLING SLEEVE Reduction coupling sleeve is very common in the industry. It connects two different female threads like R32 – R38, T45-T38, T51-T38 etc.

11. 7 8 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE THREADED BITS R22 ( 7/8” ) Thread Bits Button Bit - Regular MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 38 1 1/2” 4x9 2x8 25° 2 0 46-1422038YS 38 1 1/2“ 5x9 2x7 30° 1 1 46-1521038ZS 41 1 5/8“ 5x9 2x8 30° 1 1 46-1521041YS 48 1 7/8“ 5x11 2x8 30° 1 2 46-1522048TS BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No R28 (1 1/8” ) Thread Bits Button Bit - Regular BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 33 1 5/16” 5x7 2x7 45° 1 1 46-252X033IS 35 1 3/8” 5x9 2x7 25° 1 1 46-252X035ZS 35 1 3/8” 5x8 2x7 35° 1 1 46-2521035ES 38 1 1/2“ 5x9 2x7 30° 1 1 46-2521038ZS 38 1 1/2“ 5x9 2x7 25° 1 1 46-252X038ZS 41 1 5/8“ 5x9 2x8 30° 1 1 46-2521041YS 45 1 3/4“ 5x11 2x8 30° 1 2 46-2522045TS 45 1 3/4“ 6x10 3x8 25° 3 1 46-2624045WP 48 1 7/8“ 6x10 3x8 30° 3 1 46-2624048WS 51 2“ 6x10 3x9 30° 3 1 46-2624051VS R25 (1” ) Thread Bits Button Bit - Regular BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 41 1 5/8” 5x9 2x8 30° 1 2 46-4522041YS 43 1 11/16” 6x9 3x8 30° 3 1 46-4624043YS 43 1 11/16” 5x10 2x8 35° 1 2 46-4522043WS 45 1 3/4” 6x10 3x8 25° 3 1 46-4624045WS 45 1 3/4” 5X11 2x8 30° 1 2 46-4522045TS 48 1 7/8” 5x11 2x8 30° 1 2 46-4522048TS 48 1 7/8” 6x10 3x8 30° 3 1 46-4624048WS 51 2” 6x10 3x9 30° 3 1 46-4624051VS 51 2” 6x11 2x9 30° 2 2 46-4622051SS 57 2 1/4” 6x11 3x10 30° 3 1 46-4624057RS 60 2 3/8” 6x11 3x10 35° 3 1 46-4624060RS 60 2 3/8” 6x11 3x10 35° 3 1 46-4624060RS/G 64 2 1/2” 8x10 4x9 30° 2 0 46-4841064VS 64 2 1/2” 6x12 3x11 30° 1 1 46-46230643S 76 3” 8x11 4x11 35° 2 0 46-48410761S 76 3” 8x12 5x11 35° 2 2 46-4851076RD 102 4” 8x12 6x12 35° 2 1 46-48621024S 106 4 1/6” 8x14 6x12 35° 2 1 46-48621066S R32 (1 1/4” ) Thread Bits Button Bit - Regular MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 38 1 1/2” 5x9 2x7 30° 1 1 46-3521038ZS 41 1 5/8” 5x9 2x8 30° 1 1 46-3521041YS 48 1 7/8” 6x10 3x8 30° 3 1 46-3624048WS 48 1 7/8” 6x9 3x9 30° 3 1 46-3624048XP/G 51 2” 6x10 3x9 30° 3 1 46-3624051VS BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Retrac MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 51 2” 6x10 3x9 30° 3 0 56-2627051VS/G 51 2” 6x10 3x9 30° 3 0 M6-2627051VS/G

15. 11 12 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE THREADED BITS BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Retrac M M Inch Gauge Face Face Side 89 3 1/2” 8x12 4x12,2x10 35° 4 0 56-F86G0892S 102 4” 10X12 8X12 35° 4 0 56-F08D1024P 115 4 1/2” 10X14 8X12 35° 4 0 56-F08D1156S 127 5” 8X14 7X14 35° 4 0 56-F87E1278S ST58 Thread Bits BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Regular M M Inch Gauge Face Face Side 115 4 1/2” 8x16 6x14 35° 4 0 46-E86E115QS 140 5 1/2” 8x16 8x14 35° 2 0 46-E881140QS/G 140 5 1/2” 12x16 10x14 35° 3 0 46-ES01140QS/G ST61 Thread Bits BIT diameter Pilot Dia Buttons Qty x Size, mm Flushing Holes Product No Dome Reaming Bit M M Inch MM Gauge Face 152 6” 76 8x14 8X14 6 77-F761528S 204 8” 80 9x16 10X16 3 77-F80204DP BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 92 3 5/8” 6X13 3X12,2x11 35° 3 56-EK65092FB/G 92 3 5/8” 8X13 4X12,2x11 35° 4 56-E86E092FF 92 3 5/8” 9X12 8X11 35° 3 56-E98X0923B/G 102 4” 9x13 6x13 35° 3 H6-E962102JS/G 102 4” 8X13 4X13,2x11 35° 4 56-E86E1025F 115 4 1/2” 9X16 6X14 35° 3 56-E961115QS/G 127 5” 9X18 7X16 35° 3 H6-E971127CS/G 152 6” 12x16 10x16 35° 3 H6-ES011524S/G Button Bit - Retrac ST61 Thread Bits BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Retrac M M Inch Gauge Face Face Side 102 4” 10X12 8X12 35° 4 0 56-G08D1024P 115 4 1/2” 10X14 8X12 35° 4 0 56-G08D1156S 127 5” 8X14 7X14 35° 4 0 56-G87E1278S ST68 Thread Bits BIT diameter Pilot Dia Buttons Qty x Size, mm Flushing Hole Product No Dome Reaming Bit M M Inch MM Gauge Face 152 6” 76 8x14 8X14 6 77-G761528S 204 8” 80 9x16 10X16 3 77-G80204DP 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

12. 9 10 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 45 1 3/4” 6x9 3x8 35° 3 0 56-4627045YP 51 2” 6x10 3x9 30° 3 0 56-4627051VS 51 2” 6x10 3x9 35° 3 0 H6-4624051VP/G 57 2 1/4” 6x11 3x9 30° 3 0 56-4627057SF/G 60 2 3/8” 6x10 4x9 35° 3 0 M6-464E060VP 64 2 1/2” 6x12 3x10 35° 1 1 M6-46230642S 64 2 1/2” 6x11 4x9 35° 3 0 M6-464E064SP 64 2 1/2” 6x12 4x10 30° 3 0 56-46270642S/G 64 2 1/2” 8x10 4x9 30° 2 0 56-4841064VF BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Retrac THREADED BITS R32 (1 1/4” ) Thread Bits Dome Bits DIA Thread No. of Gauge Buttons No. of Face Buttons Flush Holes Product No MM Inch Qty X Size Qty X Size Face Side 89 3 1/2” R32 8X13 7X13 2 2 86-08948S 102 4” R32 8X13 9X13 2 2 86-1024JS Diameter No. of Gauge Buttons No. of Face Buttons Angle Product No Reaming Bits 12 ̊ Taper MM Inch Qty X Size Qty X Size 89 3 1/2” 8X12 4X10 35° 76-089122S 102 4” 8X12 4X12 35° 76-102124S Pilot Adapter 12 ̊ Taper Insert Width Thread Product No 40 R32 78-040412 MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 64 2 1/2” 8x10 4x9 30° 2 0 46-5841064VS 64 2 1/2” 8X10 4x10 30° 2 2 46-5843064US 70 2 3/4” 6x11 4x11 30° 3 0 46-564E0704P 76 3” 8x11 4x11 35° 2 2 46-58430761S BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No R38 (1 1/2” ) Thread Bits Button Bit - Regular MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 64 2 1/2” 6x12 3x10 35° 1 1 56-56230642S 68 2 2/3” 6x12 4x10 35° 3 0 56-564E0682P 115 4 1/2” 8x14 7x12 35° 4 0 56-587E1154P BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Retrac MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 51 2” 6x10 3x9 30° 3 1 46-H624051VS 54 2 1/8” 5x12 2x10 30° 2 1 46-H5230542P BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Angle Flushing Hole Product No Button Bit - Regular T35 (1 1/3” ) Thread Bits

17. 13 14 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TAPER BITS TAPER RODS 7° Taper Angle BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 30 1 3/16” 4x7 1x7 1 1 66-0741330ZP 32 1 1/4” 5x7 2x7 1 1 66-0752X32ZP 32 1 1/4” 6x7 2x7 2 2 66-0763X32ZP 35 1 3/8” 6x7 2x7 2 1 66-0762X35ZP 38 1 1/2” 4x8 2x8 1 0 66-0742138YP 41 1 5/8” 5x9 2x8 1 1 66-0752X41UP 11° Taper Angle BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 32 1 1/4” 6x7 2x7 2 2 66-1163X32ZP 38 1 1/2” 5x9 2x7 1 1 66-1152X38XP 40 1 37/64” 5x9 2x7 1 1 66-1152X40XP 12° Taper Angle BIT diameter Buttons Qty x Size, mm Flushing Hole Product No MM Inch Gauge Face Face Side 32 1 1/4” 6x7 2x7 2 2 66-1263X32ZP 35 1 3/8” 6x7 2x7 2 1 66-1262X35ZP 38 1 1/2” 5x9 2x7 1 1 66-1252X38XP 40 1 37/64” 5x9 2x7 1 1 66-1252X40XP Taper Length Product No 7° 610 68-0722-06 7° 1220 68-0722-12 7° 1830 68-0722-18 7° 1980 68-0722-20 7° 2440 68-0722-24 7° 3050 68-0722-31 7° 3660 68-0722-37 Taper Rod, Shanks 22 x 108 Taper Length Product No 11° 1220 68-1122-12 11° 1830 68-1122-18 11° 1980 68-1122-20 11° 2440 68-1122-24 11° 3050 68-1122-31 Taper Rod, Shanks 22 x 108 Taper Rod, Shanks 22 x 108 Taper Length Product No 12° 610 68-1222-06 12° 1220 68-1222-12 12° 1830 68-1222-18 12° 2440 68-1222-24 12° 3050 68-1222-31 12° 3660 68-1222-37 Taper Length Product No 7° 610 68-0725-06 7° 1220 68-0725-12 7° 1830 68-0725-18 7° 1980 68-0725-20 Taper Rod, Shanks 25 x 108 Taper Rod, Shanks 25 x 108 Taper Length Product No 12° 610 68-1225-06 12° 1220 68-1225-12 12° 1830 68-1225-18 12° 2440 68-1225-24 12° 3050 68-1225-31 12° 3660 68-1225-37

19. 15 16 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE SHANK ADAPTERS SANDVIK HL 550 SUPER / HL560 SUPER / HL510 S-45 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 500 88-A-7554-01 5.2 R32 550 88-4-7557-01 5.2 T35 550 88-H-7557-01 5.4 T38 550 88-A-7557-01 5.6 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R38 500 88-5-7536-01 4.5 T38 500 88-A-7536-01 4.4 HLX 1 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R25 255 88-2-7567-01 1.1 HL 300 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 400 88-4-7549-01 2.6 HLX 5 / HLX 5T Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 500 88-4-7585-01 5.1 R38 500 88-5-7585-01 5.2 T38 500 88-A-7585-01 5.1 T38 575 88-A-7586-01 5.7 RD 314 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 410 88-A-7672-01 3.5 HL700/HL710-45/HL800T-45/HL810T-45/ HF810T-45/HL650-45 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T45 600 88-B-7576-01 7.3 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 600 88-A-7577-02 8.4 T45 600 88-B-7577-02 8.6 T51 600 88-C-7577-03 9.1 HL 500 S-38 / 510 S-38 / 510 B / 510 LH HL700/HL710-52/HL710PE-52/HL700LH/ HL710S-52/HL710SPE-52/T45/HL650-52/ HL800T-52/HL800T/PE-52/HL810T-52/ HF810T-52

21. 17 18 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE SHANK ADAPTERS MONTABERT HC40/HC 50 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R38 372 88-5-1564-00 3.2 HC25 (FEMALE) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 202 88-4F-08208-00 1.9 COP 1838 MUX/HUX Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T35 730 88-H-16559-00 9.4 T38 730 88-A-16474-00 9.6 T45 730 88-B-16475-00 9.9 COP 1640/1840 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 565 88-A-16125-00 6.6 T45 565 88-B-16128-00 6.8 T51 565 88-C-16129-00 7.2 HC 80, HC 90, HC 105 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R38 440 88-5-1756-00 3.9 T38 440 88-A-1756-00 3.8 HC 80, HC 110, HC 120 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R38 415 88-5-1657-00 4.7 T38 415 88-A-1657-00 4.6 R38 460 88-5-1857-00 5.2 T38 460 88-A-1857-00 5.1 COP 1440, COP 1550, COP 1638, COP 1838, COP 2238 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 525 88-4-16088-00 4.1 R32 435 88-4-16087-00 3.6 R38 435 88-5-16098-00 3.9 T38 435 88-A-16120-00 3.8 COP 2160EX / 2560EX Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T51 770 88-C-30204-00 13.4 ST61/GT60 770 88-E-30204-00 14.4

23. 19 20 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE SHANK ADAPTERS INGERSOLL RAND JD 800 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 580 88-A-8620-00 5.6 REEDRILL HPR 6030 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) ST61/GT60 1040 88-E-48072-00 21.5 YH 135 RP Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T51 950 88-C-48887-00 15.3 TE360 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 420 88-A-SD360-00 8.6 GARDNER DENVER-REEDRILL-CATERPILLAR JUNJIN HD 712 (STD) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T45 590 88-B-41858-00 8.1 T51 590 88-C-41859-00 8.7 T45 790 88-B-41876-00 9.5 T51 790 88-C-41896-00 10.6 HD 712 (QED) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T45 885 88-B-41913-00 12.4 T51 885 88-C-41912-00 13.3 HD 709 (STD) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 620 88-A-41898-00 6.4 T45 620 88-B-41897-00 7.0 TEI HD 612 (STD) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 710 88-A-28112-00 8.6 T45 710 88-B-28112-00 8.9

20. 17 18 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE SHANK ADAPTERS COP BBC 54, BBC 120 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 380 88-4-16156-00 2.7 R38 390 88-5-16168-00 3.2 HL 1500T/PE-90/HL1500ST/PE-90/ HL1560T/ PE-90/HL1560ST/PE-90HL1560T/PE-90/ HL1560ST/PE-90 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) ST58 635 88-F-6035-01 21.8 ST68 635 88-G-6035-05 22.7 HL1000PE-65, HL1010PE-65, HL1060T/ PE-65, HL1500T/PE-65, HL1560T/PE-65 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T51 760 88-C-6025-02 15.6 ST61/GT60 760 88-E-6025-02 16.7 HL 1500-80/1560T-80/HL1060T-80/ HF1560, Shoulder drive Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) ST61/GT60 760 88-E-6030-05 20.7 COP 131 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 443 88-A-15993-00 3.8 COP 1036, COP 1038, COP 1238 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R38 485 88-5-15962-00 4.3 T38 485 88-A-15983-00 4.3 T38 575 88-A-15981-00 4.8 T38 575 88-A-15982-00 5.4 T45 575 88-B-15996-00 5.8 ATLAS COPCO HL1000/HL 1010, HL1000S/HL 1010S-52 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T51 670 88-C-6010-02 10.2 COP BBC 42, BBC 44, BBC 100 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 380 88-4-15858-00 2.1

22. 19 20 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE SHANK ADAPTERS FURUKAWA HD 300 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 655 88-A-41827-00 6.0 T45 655 88-B-41828-00 6.9 M 120, PD 200 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 380 88-A-41761-00 3.7 DF 545HD, DF 560 Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 515 88-4-20236-00 4.9 R38 515 88-5-20236-00 5.0 T45 515 88-B-20236-00 5.1 DF 545EXT HD, DF 54OL-BLT, DF 560LEXT, DF 560L-BLT Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 582 88-4-23239-00 5.8 R38 582 88-5-23239-00 5.9 T38 582 88-A-23239-00 5.9 HD 609 (QED) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 795 88-A-41840-00 7.6 HD 609 (STD) Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 690 88-A-41853-00 6.4 T45 690 88-B-41854-00 7.1 DF 528HD, DF 538S, DF 538L, Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 470 88-4-19135-00 3.7 DF 550F, DF 550L, DF 540L Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) R32 515 88-4-20233-00 4.3 R38 515 88-5-20233-00 4.4 DOOFOR HC 80R, HC 105R, HC 107R, HC 108R, HC 109R, HC110R, HC120R Thread Length Product No WEIGHT (KG) T38 670 88-A-2795-00 6.9 T45 670 88-B-2795-00 7.2

33. 29 30 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Code DRIFTING & TUNNELING ROD 48 4-3-32 MF EXTENSION ROD Code 58 MF SPECIFICATION CHART Code Taper Degree 68 12 Length 18 TAPER ROD COUPLING SLEEVES Code Ref. No 88 3 3652 -01 SHANK ADAPTER Thread Code R25 2 R28 3 Thread Code R32 4 R38 5 T38 A Thread Code T45 B T51 C Code OD Diameter Thread Sleeve Length RR R TT T TR 1 781 3 R 44 140 F Thread Code R22 1 R25 2 R28 3 Thread Code R32 4 R38 5 T38 A Thread Code T45 B T51 C FF F FM 4 T1 T2 HEX R32 R28 32 Code HEX 22 4-4-32 T1 T2 OD R32 R32 32 Code 09 Length Ex: 09 915 12 1220 31 Length Ex: 31 3090 Extension Type Extension Type

29. 25 26 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Drifter Rods R32-HEX32-R28 Length HEX Product No 3090 32 48-4332-31 3700 32 48-4332-37 Drifter Rods R38-HEX32-R32 Length HEX Product No 2475 32 48-5432-25 3090 32 48-5432-31 3700 32 48-5432-37 4305 32 48-5432-43 EXTENSION & DRIFTER RODS Drifter Rods R38-HEX32-R28 Length HEX Product No 3090 32 48-5332-31 3700 32 48-5332-37 Drifter Rods R38-HEX35-R32 Length HEX Product No 2475 35 48-5435-25 3090 35 48-5435-31 3700 35 48-5435-37 4305 35 48-5435-43 Drifter Rods R38-HEX35-R28 Length HEX Product No 2475 35 48-5335-25 3090 35 48-5335-31 3700 35 48-5335-37 4305 35 48-5335-43 Drifter Rods T38-HEX35-R32 Length HEX Product No 2475 35 48-A435-25 3090 35 48-A435-31 3700 35 48-A435-37 4305 35 48-A435-43 Drifter Rods T38-HEX35-T35 Length HEX Product No 2475 35 48-AH35-25 3090 35 48-AH35-31 4305 35 48-AH35-43 MM FT MM FT MM FT MM FT MM FT MM FT MM FT 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2” 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2” 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2” 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2” 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2” Drifter Rods T38-HEX32-R32 Length HEX Product No 3090 32 48-A432-31 3700 32 48-A432-37 4305 32 48-A432-43 MM FT 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2”

28. 25 26 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE EXTENSION & DRIFTER RODS EXTENSION RODS T38-ROUND39-T38 MF Length DIA Product No 1220 39 58-AA39-MF-12 1525 39 58-AA39-MF-15 1830 39 58-AA39-MF-18 2095 39 58-AA39-MF-21 2435 39 58-AA39-MF-24 3050 39 58-AA39-MF-31 3660 39 58-AA39-MF-37 4265 39 58-AA39-MF-43 EXTENSION RODS T45-ROUND46-T45 MF Length DIA Product No 1220 46 58-BB46-MF-12 1525 46 58-BB46-MF-15 1830 46 58-BB46-MF-18 2095 46 58-BB46-MF-21 2435 46 58-BB46-MF-24 3050 46 58-BB46-MF-31 3660 46 58-BB46-MF-37 4265 46 58-BB46-MF-43 EXTENSION RODS T51-ROUND52-T51 MF Length DIA Product No 1220 52 58-CC52-MF-12 1525 52 58-CC52-MF-15 1830 52 58-CC52-MF-18 2095 52 58-CC52-MF-21 2435 52 58-CC52-MF-24 3050 52 58-CC52-MF-31 3660 52 58-CC52-MF-37 4265 52 58-CC52-MF-43 Drifter Rods R25-HEX25-R25 Bolting Rods R25-HEX25-R25 Length HEX Product No 1220 25 48-2225-12 1830 25 48-2225-18 2175 25 48-2225-22 2475 25 48-2225-25 3090 25 48-2225-31 3700 25 48-2225-37 DRIFTING & TUNNELING TOOLS Bolting Rods R32-HEX25-R25 Length HEX Product No 1220 25 48-4225-12 1830 25 48-4225-18 2000 25 48-4225-20 2175 25 48-4225-22 2475 25 48-4225-25 2785 25 48-4225-28 3090 25 48-4225-31 3700 25 48-4225-37 EXTENSION ROD ST61/GT60-ROUND60-ST61/GT60 MF Length DIA Product No 1830 60 58-EE60-MF-18 3050 60 58-EE60-MF-31 3660 60 58-EE60-MF-37 4265 60 58-EE60-MF-43 MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT MM FT 4’ 5’ 6’ 6’ 10 1/2” 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 6’ 10 1/2” 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 6’ 10 1/2” 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 6’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 4’ 6’ 7’ 1 5/8” 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 4’ 6’ 6’ 7” 7’ 1 5/8” 8’ 1 1/2” 9’ 1 5/8” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8”

27. 23 24 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE EXTENSION & DRIFTER RODS Length DIA Product No 915 32 58-4432-09 1220 32 58-4432-12 1525 32 58-4432-15 1600 32 58-4432-16 1830 32 58-4432-18 2095 32 58-4432-21 2435 32 58-4432-24 3050 32 58-4432-31 3660 32 58-4432-37 EXTENSION RODS T51-ROUND52-T51 MM Length DIA Product No 1220 52 58-CC52-12 2435 52 58-CC52-24 3050 52 58-CC52-31 3660 52 58-CC52-37 EXTENSION RODS MALE-FEMALE Length DIA Product No 1220 39 58-5539-12 1830 39 58-5539-18 2435 39 58-5539-24 3050 39 58-5539-31 EXTENSION RODS R38-ROUND39-R38 MM Length DIA Product No 1220 39 58-AA39-12 2435 39 58-AA39-24 3050 39 58-AA39-31 3660 39 58-AA39-37 EXTENSION RODS T45-ROUND46-T45 MM Length DIA Product No 1220 46 58-BB46-12 1525 46 58-BB46-15 2435 46 58-BB46-24 3050 46 58-BB46-31 3660 46 58-BB46-37 EXTENSION RODS R32-ROUND32-R32 MF Length DIA Product No 915 32 58-4432-MF-09 1220 32 58-4432-MF-12 1830 32 58-4432-MF-18 2095 32 58-4432-MF-21 2435 32 58-4432-MF-24 3050 32 58-4432-MF-31 3660 32 58-4432-MF-37 EXTENSION RODS T35-ROUND39-T35 MF Length DIA Product No 1220 39 58-HH39-MF-12 3050 39 58-HH39-MF-31 3660 39 58-HH39-MF-37 EXTENSION RODS R32-ROUND32-R32 MM EXTENSION RODS T38-ROUND39-T38 MM MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) 3’ 4’ 5’ 5’ 3” 6’ 6’ 10 1/2” 8’ 10’ 12’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 4’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 4’ 5’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 4’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 3’ 4’ 6’ 6’ 10 1/2” 8’ 10’ 12’ 4’ 10’ 12’

30. 27 28 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE EXTENSION & DRIFTER RODS Drifter Rods T38-HEX35-T38 Length HEX Product No 2475 35 48-AA35-25 3090 35 48-AA35-31 3700 35 48-AA35-37 4305 35 48-AA35-43 Drifter Rods R22-HEX25-R25 MF Length HEX Product No 567 25 48-1225-MF-06 T38 GUIDE TUBE Length DIA Product No 1220 56 58-AA56-GT-12 1525 56 58-AA56-GT-15 1830 56 58-AA56-GT-18 T45 GUIDE TUBE Length DIA Product No 1220 64 58-BB64-GT-12 1830 64 58-BB64-GT-18 3050 64 58-BB64-GT-31 3660 64 58-BB64-GT-37 3660 76 58-BB76-GT-37 T51 GUIDE TUBE Length DIA Product No 1830 76 58-CC76-GT-18 3050 76 58-CC76-GT-31 3660 76 58-CC76-GT-37 3660 87 58-CC87-GT-37 DRILL TUBES ST58 DRILL TUBE Length DIA Product No 1525 76 58-FF76-DT-15 1830 76 58-FF76-DT-18 ST61/GT60 DRILL TUBE Length DIA Product No 4265 87 58-EE87-DT-43 ST68 DRILL TUBE Length DIA Product No 1525 87 58-GG87-DT-15 1830 87 58-GG87-DT-18 GUIDE TUBES MM FT MM FT MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) MM FT (D) 8’ 1 1/2” 10’ 1 5/8” 12’ 1 5/8” 14’ 1 1/2” 1’ 10 1/3” 4’ 5’ 6’ 4’ 6’ 10’ 12’ 12’ 6’ 10’ 12’ 12’ 5’ 6’ 14’ 5’ 6’

32. 29 30 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE Thread Code R38 5 T38 A T45 B Thread Code T51 C SPECIFICATION CHART DOME BIT PILOT ADAPTER 4 Code 040 Insert Width 12 Taper Thread Type 78 Code Thread Type 86 Diameter 089 4 T hread Code R25 2 R28 3 R32 4 REAMING BIT 76 089 Code Diameter Angle Code 11° 11 12° 12 12 Taper Thread Code R25 2 R28 3 Thread Code R32 4 R38 5 Taper Angle code Diameter Flat Code 66 07 421 36 Y P Angle Code 7° 07 11° 11 12° 12 Gauge FFH SFH GB FB CODE 4 Gauge 1 0 4 2 421 5 Gauge 1 1 5 2 521 Button Combination Combination Code 7x7 Z 8x8 Y 9x7 X 10x8 W TAPER BIT Gauge FFH SFH GB FB Code 6 Gauge 2 1 6 2 62X Convex Button Shape Button Combination 8 Button Shape S Button Combination 2 Button Shape S DOME REAMING BIT 77 B Code Thread Type 64 Pilot Dia Button Combination 4 Button Shape S 102 Bit Dia Guage Face Code S S S B B B P P P K K K S B C S P D S K E P B F

31. 27 28 TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE TOP HAMMER CATALOGUE SPECIFICATION CHART THREADED BIT Thread Type Button Combination Diameter Regular - 46 Retrac - 56,M6,H6 Convex 46 3 862 102 7 S Thread Code R22 1 R25 2 R28 3 R32 4 R38 5 T38 A T45 B T51 C ST61/GT60 E ST58 F ST68 G T35 H Button Shape Gauge Face Code S S S B B B P P P K K K S B C S P D S K E P B F BC Code 9X7 Z 9X8 Y 9X9 X 10x8 W 10X9 V 10X10 U 11X8 T 11X9 S 11X10 R 11X11 1 12X10 2 12X11 3 12X12 4 13X11 5 14X12 6 14X13 7 14X14 8 16X12 9 16X14 Q S – Spherical B – Ballistic P – Parabolic / Semi Ballistic K - Spike / Conical Gauge FFH SFH GB FB Code 6 Gauge 3 0 6 4 64E 3 1 6 4 64D 3 0 6 5 65D 3 1 6 5 65E 3 0 6 3 63F 8 Gauge 4 0 8 2 82D 4 0 8 3 83D 4 0 8 4 84D 4 1 8 4 84E 4 0 8 5 85D 4 1 8 5 85E 4 2 8 5 85I 2 0 8 6 86D 4 0 8 6 86E 4 2 8 6 86I 4 1 8 6 86F 4 0 8 4X2 86G 4 1 8 4X2 86H 2 0 8 7 87D 4 0 8 7 87E 2 0 8 4X3 87F 4 0 8 4X3 87G 4 1 8 6X2 88D 4 0 8 8 88F 4 0 8 6X2 88E 9 Gauge 3 0 9 5 95D 3 0 9 10 90F 3 0 9 9 99F 10 Gauge 4 0 10 8 08D 5 0 10 6 06D Gauge FFH SFH GB FB Code 4 Gauge 1 2 4 2 421 2 0 4 2 422 1 1 4 2 423 2 1 4 2 424 5 Gauge 1 1 5 2 521 1 2 5 2 522 2 1 5 2 523 1 1 5 3 524 6 Gauge 2 1 6 2 621 2 2 6 2 622 1 1 6 3 623 3 1 6 3 624 2 0 6 4 625 2 1 6 4 626 3 0 6 3 627 4 0 6 5 628 3 2 6 3 635 3 0 6 4 629 7 Gauge 2 0 7 5 751 2 0 7 7 752 3 0 7 4 753 3 0 7 5 754 2 1 7 5 755 8 Gauge 2 0 8 4 841 2 1 8 4 842 2 2 8 4 843 4 0 8 6 844 2 2 8 5 851 2 0 8 5 852 1 1 8 5 853 2 1 8 5 854 4 1 8 5 855 2 0 8 6 861 2 1 8 6 862 2 2 8 6 863 2 0 8 7 871 2 0 8 8 881 2 2 8 8 882 4 0 10 8 082 3 0 10 8 081 9 Gauge 2 0 9 5 951 2 0 9 9 952 2 0 9 10 953 3 0 9 6 961 3 1 9 6 962 3 0 9 10 963 3 0 9 7 971 3 1 9 7 972 3 0 9 9 991 3 0 9 12 921 10 Gauge 3 0 10 7 071 12 Gauge 3 0 12 10 S01 BC Code 19X14 P 19X16 O 14X13X12 N 14X14X12 M 16X14X12 L 13x12 K 13x13 J 8X7 E 8X8 A2 12X8 B 12X9 A1 13X10 A3 7X7 I 16X16 D 14X13X16 G 13X12X11 F 12X10X8 A 14X11 H 18X16 C Concave Gauge FFH SFH GB FB Code 6 Gauge 3 0 6 5 K65 8 Gauge 2 0 8 7 K87 2 0 8 6 K86 Drop Center Flat FFH – Face Flush Holes SFH – Side Flush Holes GB – G uage Buttons FB - Face BUttons BC - Button Combination M M – Flat Face with Face Millings G – Flat Face with Grooves Gauge FFH SFH GB FB Code 5 Gauge 1 1 5 2 52X 8 Gauge 2 1 8 6 86X 2 1 8 7 87X 2 1 8 8 88X 2 1 8 4X5 89X 9 Gauge 3 0 9 8 98X


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